China Wall, née Fagan is a Photographer and Art Director {NOW} based out of Atlanta, GA. China hails from Kansas City, KS by way of Albuquerque, NM, with sporadic stints in the deep South. Growing up in the wild West she became a connoisseur of Mexican cuisine and all things salsa verde. A wrangler and guide[read: parent] to a high-speed intellectual, exuberant young one, Ezra - serves as a muse for her life and work. She works as an Art Director with a focus and passion for psychology-based brand optimization, and social identity, while moonlighting as a freelance photographer covering a wide range of subjects from fried chicken to musicians. Specializing in portrait and food photography, when she isn’t working China can be found crocheting, doing pottery, directing cinematic home movies, or hiking with family and at least one of the animals in tow (on days when she’s not crafting makeshift balloon friends or doctoring snail’s shells her child brings inside).